It's a decent trade off unless you like Chansey, and Aerodactyl can provide some great late game support, ripping through Erika and Blaine's teams without a problem. GBA Rom/Emerald hack: Download Pokemon Crystal Dust Beta 2 by diegoisawesome on - Once again, you're put back into the shoes of either Gold or Kris, and sent on your way across the Johto region. However, you'll need to trade the elusive Chansey to get it. The only Pokemon exclusive to trades in these games is Aerodactyl.

Neither one is particularly hard to get at this point in the game and both have awesome abilities.

Trade one trio of the same Pokemon for another trio of the same Pokemon. This one is all up to personal preference and what you have. Haunter can be caught in Rock Tunnel so pick an extra up.
Xatu can be hard to get if you missed Natu earlier at the Ruins of Alph, plus PAUL holds the ever-rare MYSTERYBERRY. It's not really worth it considering Dragonair will be more help against Clair than Dodrio will be. Kind of a useless trade, unless you really don't want to wait until after you beat Clair to get a Dodrio. If you really want to use Electrode, wait until you reach the Team Rocket Headquarters and can catch a Level 30 one. Magnemite can do everything Voltorb can and has Steel-typing for added protection, and is caught near Ecruteak City anyways. Machop is very handy against Whitney's Miltank, Jasmine's Steelix, and Pryce's Piloswine, so consider this trade. Abra can be caught on the route south of Goldenrod City, whereas Machop can't be found until you reach Mt. Definitely a great alternative to Geodude.Ī trainer offers you their female Machop in exchange for Abra inside the Goldenrod City Department Store. Onix is great for the first and second gyms and will prove useful in the fourth, seventh, and eighth after it evolves into the Steel-type Steelix. This trade offers you a strong Onix in exchange for the rather common Bellsprout, which can be found outside of Violet City in the grass. The first trade you are offered is made in a home in Violet City. It's up to you whether you want to make the trades or not though so choose wisely. Some of the trades offer rare Pokemon for common Pokemon, and some offer rare Pokemon for rare Pokemon. Only one Pokemon in the game is only gotten via trading this time around, and you won't encounter it until Kanto. Trading with non-player characters makes a return in Crystal. Black: Victini & ReshiramWhite: Victini & Zekrom.Pokémon Ranger & The Temple of the Sea!.As for the changes in comparison to that save, the ID/OT has been changed, most of the team was also saved on the Box 1, a Shiny Togepi was added to the Box and the clock has been reseted and changed 24 hours later + the time trying to catch Shiny Celebi. I'm also adding the save state when I catched it. Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time & Darkness Just used that save file on bgb, and catched a Shiny Celebi using soft resets.Mystery Dungeon: Blazing, Stormy & Light Adventure Squad.Pokémon Battle TrozeiPokémon Link: Battle.